The Calgary MQG has a long-standing tradition of designing and creating a quilt for the QuiltCon Community Outreach Challenge. It's a way of collectively flexing our design muscles, working together to produce a quilt, and showcasing our guild at public events. Our 2024 Community Quilt hung at QuiltCon, Heritage Park Festival of Quilts and will hang at the Calgary Stampede!
We're kicking off to the 2025 edition, and have formed a committee to steward the quilt through. Thanks to Melanie R, Gloria D, Josee E, Karen S and Kerry F for stepping up!
Next up, we need a design. The committee has a few ideas, and one of the objectives of the challenge is to include as many guild members as possible in the overall construction of the quilt. We're reaching out to our guild members to help with our plans.
The QuiltCon Challenge Summary and Rules can be found here: https://quiltcon.com/community-outreach-challenge/
Use 4-8 colors from the color palette to create your quilt. Solids or prints (or both!) are fine to use. No other colors may be used in the quilt top or binding - Please do not add neutrals, stick to the palette provided! The quilt backing is your fabric of choice.
Make sure the theme of LINES AND BARS is the focus of your project.
Please remember that this is designed to be a group project, and the design should be able to be distributed to guild members to be worked on -
Size constraints of a maximum of 65”x85” and a minimum of 60”x80” must be adhered to.
If you decide to use a pattern, be sure to get permission from the pattern designer and include that information when you submit the quilt to the committee
Please submit your design in JPEG or PDF format to calgarymqg @ gmail dot com (or the email address in your email) by Friday, July 12, 2024. If you need any help in mocking up a quilt design or in creating block specifications, please reach out.