We're kicking off 2025 with a new block lotto!

Pattern and Instructions: This month we will make the Slip Knot block, a free pattern by Patchwork Square. This block creates an optical illusion where the fabrics seem woven together. There are instructions for 2 sizes, we will be making the 12.5" size. The block instructions can be found at the link here: Slip Knot quilt block pattern
Skill Builder: This pattern uses traditional piecing techniques and will give you some practice with half-square triangles, flying geese, and matching up seams.

Colour scheme:
Fabric 1 - background use white or cream
Fabric 2 - use black solid or print
Fabric 3 - use a highly saturated solid or print*
*Highly saturated colour is a colour that is bright, intense, and vibrant
Notes on the pattern

Instead of cutting 2 3/8" squares (as called for in the pattern), I cut mine 2 1/2" which gave me a bit more of a buffer when trimming the half-square triangles and flying geese.

All half-square triangles are squared up and trimmed to 2" square. Flying geese are trimmed to 3 1/2" x 2" - remember to keep a 1/4" seam allowance past the point.

As you finish your blocks be sure to share them on social media using these tags: @calgarymqg #calmqgblocklotto #calgarymqgÂ
General Block Lotto Rules
Make a quilt block (or many) following the pattern and colour scheme outlined in the lotto announcement blog post. For every block you make and bring to the following month's meeting, you will get one entry in the lotto. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but really want to participate in the lotto, ask a friend to get your blocks to the meeting, but make sure they are labelled with your name so we can properly account for your blocks.
The winner gets all the blocks to make a quilted project from them (We may hold a vote to split up the blocks between more than one winner if there are enough entries). If you win, the blocks become yours and you can use them in any way you choose. You may only win one group per lotto.
We would love to see your finished project, either in person or in pictures, once you are done.
Use modern fabrics that you like or love! If you are unsure about your fabric selection as it relates to "Modern" please ask.
Have fun! Keep in mind that (most likely) someone else will be taking home your blocks to incorporate into a larger piece and things must fit together (literally, ...so keeping your blocks true to size is probably the most important thing), but you should also make it yours and enjoy the process.
Remember, you must be a member of the Calgary Modern Quilt Guild to participate.