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Guild Leadership 

Heather Tudor, President (2024-25)
Krista McIntosh, Vice-President (2024-25)
Beth Dobson, Treasurer (2024-25)
Kim Brown, Secretary (2024-25)

Ronnie W - Community Giving

Philippa G - Membership

Kate M  - Programming

Karin K - Social Media

Francine B - Photographer

Gail, Faye & Claire - Swaps & Challenges



We thank those who have served before us!

Executive History. 


Past Executive (2023 -24) Carole Glass (President), Heather Tudor (Vice-President),  Karin King (Secretary) Barbara Williamson, (Treasurer)


Past Executive (2022 -23) Chris Racz (President), Ronnie Wassil (Vice-President),  Karin King (Secretary) Barb Williamson, (Treasurer)


Past Executive (2021 -22) Chris Racz (President), Ronnie Wassil (Vice-President), Kate Power (Secretary), Karin King (Secretary) Barb Williamson, (Treasurer)


Past Executive (2020 -21) Chris Racz (President), Ronnie Wassil (Vice-President), Haley Gorman (Secretary), Karin King (Treasurer) 


Past Executive (2019 -20) Louise Phelps (President), Mary Dylke (Vice-President), Haley Gorman (Secretary), Karin King (Treasurer) 


Past Executive (2018 -19)  Louise Phelps (President),  Mary Dylke (Vice-President),  Jera McKenzie(Secretary),  Karin King (Treasurer) 


Past Executive (2017 -18)  Louise Phelps (President),  Mary Dylke(Vice-President),  Jera Mckenzie(Secretary), Stephanie Hutchinson (Treasurer) 


Past Executive (2016 -17)  Kelly Kay Spurlock (President),  Rachel Elliott (Vice-President),  Jera Mckenzie (Secretary),  Erin Fetterly (Treasurer) 


Past Executive (2015-)  (President),  (Vice-President),  Jera Mckenzie(Secretary),  (Treasurer)


Past Executive (2014)  Kari Fergusen (President),  Dianne Ammudrund (Secretary),  Katrina Hertzer (Treasurer)

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