This month we're meeting on October 20th at 7pm at the Woodcreek Community Hall. If you're interested, more details are on our membership page.
We're excited to have Judy, Heather and Katherine join us from the Alberta Quilt Study Society. If you're not great, or like me, pretty terrible at labelling and documenting your quilts, you'll definitely want to attend. The ABQSS is a group focused on capturing quiltmaker’s stories, and their passion for quilting has lead them to the U of A Clothing and Textile Collection, museums, quilt shows, guilds, hands on workshops and documentation days.
In other goings on, please bring the following this month:
- QuiltCon Community Challenge Blocks
- Intersection blocks for our Blocks for Good program
- Strip & Rip challenge entries
- your nametag
We'll be sharing the following:
- We have Christmas placemat kits for Meals on Wheels for pickup
- Details of our latest Block Lotto, with entries due back in November
- Details of our Christmas exchange details