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Washi Part 2 - What am I doing? Where is my stuff?

We've had some great suggestions either through our Facebook group or at our meetings on what to do with washi or similar low tack tape, and we'll share all of those ideas with you.

Washi is amazing for labelling! Having a low-tack surface that you can write on gives you a lot of flexibility in marking down and remembering where you're at.

  • One of our favourite tips from a guild member - write the size and type of needle you are using, particularly when you're switching between needles used for garment sewing and those use for quilting - you'll never have to guess if you left a jeans needle in your machine. Thanks to guild member Donna for this tip!

  • Having trouble remembering where you're at with a pattern? Use a little washi label to mark a section or a block for easy reference. Half of the battle with sewing is just to keep track of where you are.

  • Label tools and other personal items before you head to retreat or class to make sure you're getting them back. Washi comes in many patterns and designs, and picking a signature tape is a quick way to mark many things. Thanks to guild member Tamara for this tip.

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